Making the Unimaginable, Possible

A big theme we’ve noticed at Chikumbuso is how with courage, hard work and resources we are able to help make the unimaginable dreams, skills, and lives of our community become a beautiful reality.

Some good news coming out of our community this month surrounds education and employment. It is with honor we announce that Estone completed his secondary schooling through Chikumbuso and has now received a degree in Professional Marketing through our college sponsorship program! We are so proud of his accomplishments and know his future shines bright.

Another person we’d like to highlight is Mike, a long-term member of our STARY group. He has recently been hired as a full-time employee and is earning a salary from sewing - a dream always deemed unimaginable. We are so thrilled so continue to have him!

Thank you to everyone who continues to support our mission and community in Zambia. We couldn’t do any of this without you!

This newsletter is dedicated to Paul Farmer, a role model of ours who recently passed away. His life’s mission was dedicated to helping others turn what they deemed unimaginable into a reality.


A Community Letter

